The Mental Society
Where Mental Health and Society Meet Mental Health impacts virtually every aspect of our lives, yet it seems we don’t talk about it enough. Mental Health is a public health crisis, and it’s time we discuss how mental wellness impacts our society. The Mental Society is a place for us to do just that; to have open, honest, and deep discussions about how mental health affects every corner of our society. Join us as we open up the conversation and explore how mental health influences our world and everyone living there. We will uncover just how important mental health and wellness are and how it impacts relationships, careers, finances, health, access to care, the criminal justice system, and more.

Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
This week has been full of tears and grief but not depression. There are a lot of similarities between depression and grief, and yet they are very different. There is no timeline for grieving; does it ever end?
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#mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalsociety #society #mental #mystory #emotions #emotionalhealth #grief #depression #tears

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
On this episode of The Mental Society, I am joined by Matt McCann. Matt is one of the nation's leading specialists on Long-Term Care Insurance, long-term health care planning, caregiving, and the political implications thereof. He has submitted testimony to US house and senate committees on long-term care’s impact on the finances of American families.
Matt is recognized by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI) as one of the top specialists in the country. Matt recognizes the value of affordable LTC Insurance and its positive impact on American families.
You can find Matt at
Additional resources mentioned:
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Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
I am joined by Douglas Noll Esq. on this episode of The Mental Society. We discuss the importance of understanding others' emotions and how to communicate and de-escalate. He also shares about his program, Prison of Peace, which is used worldwide to teach inmates how to resolve conflict without violence.
You can learn more about Doug, his courses, books, and additional resources by visiting
For more information on the Prison of Peace project and all the good they are doing, check out www.
You can learn more about Doug, his courses, books, and additional resources by visiting
For more information on the Prison of Peace project and all the good they are doing, check out www.
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Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
TW: Discussions of Suicide
This last week I found a letter 13-year-old me wrote to 18-year-old me. Reading it hit me hard when I saw I had included a note about potential suicide and realized it took over 20 years to get the help I really needed.
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Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
On this episode of The Mental Society, I am joined by Julie Hall, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Julie joins us in a candid conversation about the mental health implications of infertility and how her own experience led to a career change so she could help others.
You can find Julie at and on Instagram @julievhall01
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Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
In this episode, I am joined by James Cox. James hosts the podcast When Words Fail…Music Speaks, where he discusses how music can help with depression. James has lived with cerebral palsy all of his life, and now he wants to help people understand that living with a disability does not define who he is. Be sure to check out the links below to learn more about James and to check out his podcast.
Watch James in Sarah Harralson’s music video here.
This Week’s Mental Morsel:
Dance!!! Dancing can help keep your mind sharp, improve self-esteem, helps you bond with others, eases depression, lowers anxiety, and more. So, take some time to dance. Dance in your living room, your car, or anywhere you feel comfortable. Someone may even join in.
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Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
There is an Adderall shortage in the US. Listen as I share a little about why, and how it's impacting society
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Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
TW: Discussions of Suicide
If you are feeling suicidal, please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at or by calling or texting 988.
On this episode of The Mental Society, I am joined by Dr. Robin Henry. Dr. Henry is an Associate Professor of History and Chair of Women's Ethnicity & Intersectional Studies at Wichita State University. Robin is here to talk about her personal experience with suicide. She will talk about how her friend’s suicide more than a decade ago impacted her and continues to. Join me as we take a look at suicide from the perspective of those left behind.
This Week’s Mental Morsel:
So many of us, myself included, use alcohol or other drugs as a way to escape and self-medicate. By keeping alcohol use to a minimum and avoiding other drugs, we are better able to function at work or school, maintain a stable home life, handle life’s difficulties, relate to others, and be present in the moment.
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Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
On this episode of The Mental Society, I am joined by self-proclaimed bad bitch/sad bitch Monna. MONNA is a quick-witted stand-up comedian, the owner of Claws Out Media & Entertainment, and the creator/producer of Claws Out Comedy. MONNA balances her dark sense of humor with nuanced wordplay and silver linings as she delves into sensitive subjects- ranging from romantic relationships to dealing with mental health.
You can find more about Monna through the links below, and check out her comedy on your favorite streaming platform.
This week’s Mental Morsel: Take some time to laugh.
Laughing in the short-term increases oxygen relieves your tension, and releases endorphins to help you feel better. Long term, it can improve your immune system, relieve pain, increase personal satisfaction and improve your overall mood. Laughing can feel hard sometimes, so when I’m feeling blah, I enjoy corny and punny jokes, like dad jokes. So take a break and check out this website for some classic dad jokes.
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Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
TW: Discussion of Mental Illness, and Suicide
If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 988 or You are not alone and help is out there.
This episode we are joined by two incredible high school students, Lavik Jain and Shivansh Nikhra. They are using computers and social media to help identify individuals who may be at high risk of suicide and connect them with the help they need.
Their project is called SuicideWatch. Check out what they are doing at at
Lavik Jain is a high school senior always wanting to test his limits. As the cofounder of Explore. Design. Solve!, he has been helping others harness their skills in STEM toward projects (similar to SuicideWatch) bettering society. In college he intends to pursue studies in Physics and Computer Science.
Shivansh Nikhra is a senior at Centennial High School in Frisco. His involvement in speech and debate has taught him about prominent social issues, which he uses technology to solve. Shivansh plans to study computer science in college.
This week’s Mental Morsel: Take some time away from social media. Social media can be a great place to connect with people and a way to disconnect from the world, but sometimes we spend more time than we planned mindlessly scrolling. When I scroll too long, I begin to compare myself to what I see others posting and wonder what I am doing wrong that my life doesn’t look like that. A reminder that what you see on social media is a highlight reel of someone else’s life that you are comparing to all the parts of your everyday life. So set the phone down and enjoy this moment.
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